Robocash unveils investor earnings insights
Robocash data has found that the platform’s investors have earned interest of €25.9m (£22.3m) since 2017, and that their earnings are higher as they age.
The average investment was €6,342, while the average profit was €1,101 or 17.4 per cent, according to the platform’s figures.
Robocash analysts said the relatively high return was due to investors staying on the platform for an average of three years and making frequent reinvestments of their accumulated profits.
The platform said it had identified a clear pattern of average deposit size and profit earned increasing over time, with the amount doubling between 2017 and 2020. However, a slowdown was noted in the period immediately following the Covid-19 pandemic.
Read more: European P2P returns hit 10.6 per cent
Moreover, the platform found that as P2P investors got older, the amount of money they invested increased, resulting in higher earnings.
Robocash said from the age of 60, the average deposit was in excess of €10,000. “We can explain the trend by the difference in practical experience and objective difference in the amount of current free capital – young people tend to have less,” it added.
“There is also a greater predisposition of younger investors to a wide search for various options of earnings and, as a result, a greater degree of diversification of the current investment portfolio.”
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The platform also reported that the most active and “successful” investors are residents of Malta, Slovenia and Estonia.
In these countries, the average deposit amounted to €15,000 and the profit was €2,400, however it pointed out that this data was influenced by a relatively low statistical base and skewed by a significant number of large investors.
“In the case of Estonia, we can also highlight a well-developed P2P investment culture, which is not surprising for a country that has the status of one of the leaders of the European P2P industry (at least in terms of the number of registered platforms),” the analysts added.
Read more: Robocash forecasts 23 per cent rise in net worth of European investors