PeerBerry adds Czech lender to platform
PeerBerry has added Czech lender PůjčkaPlus to its platform, in a bid to diversify the business geographically and offer more choice to investors.
PůjčkaPlus issues short-term non-bank loans of an average value of around €300 (£264).
On the European peer-to-peer lending marketplace, PůjčkaPlus will offer investments in short-term loans with a 10.5 per cent annual return. The loans include a buyback and a group guarantee.
To date, the PůjčkaPlus portfolio amounts to more than €100,000.
Read more: PeerBerry originator Litelektra repays €300k loan to investors
The first PůjčkaPlus loans will be offered to PeerBerry investors today. At the beginning of the partnership, Czech loans will be available on the PeerBerry platform a few times a week.
Investors can include PůjčkaPlus in their auto-invest strategies if the loans meet their investment strategy.
PůjčkaPlus follows provisions for responsible lending and is activities are supervised by the Czech National Bank.
PeerBerry works with several fintech loan originators across Europe to offer short term, long term, business, real estate and leasing finance products.
It recently added the Vietnamese lender CayDenThan to its platform, which offers personal loan services, with zero per cent interest charged to borrowers on their first loan.
In November, PeerBerry added Kazakhstan-based lender A Credit to its platform – another short-term consumer lender which is backed by Aventus Group.
Read more: PeerBerry war-affected loan repayments hit €33m