Mortgage Business Expo
Mortgage Business Expo
Date: 16 October, 2019
Venue: London
Since its launch in 2002, Mortgage Business Expo has grown to become the biggest and most essential meeting place for the financial intermediary market.
As the financial markets expand, MBE Expos are a proven way to grow business profile and meet new customers. You can find out the latest on legislation and speak with lenders and service providers that cover a wide range of finance sectors – equity release, retirement plans, bridging finance, commercial funding and secured loans.
At the Mortgage Business Expo, we have arranged a fabulous line-up of speakers, who will provide an insight into the current issues facing the industry. They will delve into the issues of interest rates and the implications for the industry and share their current Brexit knowledge. The seminars are FREE and Cii CPD accredited meaning mortgage professionals, brokers and intermediaries can gain valuable hours towards their development.
MBE is FREE to attend and you can register via the link: or for more information visit the website